baptism & membership
Baptism of Clara
Thank you for your interest in baptism and membership at Augusta United Methodist Church. We want you to know that all are welcome to worship and participate in Augusta UMC activities. Membership is a commitment to the community of servants called Augusta UMC. However, membership is only required for voting on Official Church activities, i.e. Administrative Officers and business matters of the Church. There are a number of ways to become a member of Augusta UMC. Membership may be accomplished through Baptism, Reaffirming Vows, and/or transferring membership from another Church or Denomination. The method of membership should be discussed with the pastor upon your request for membership. Requests for membership in our congregation can be made by contacting the Church office.
Membership in the Methodist Church may be explored by opening the referenced site.
Question: How do I become a member of a United Methodist church? Is there a special ceremony?
Answer: United Methodist churches regularly welcome and receive persons from a variety of backgrounds. Since all that want to become members come with different experiences and backgrounds, there are a number of ways to become a member of The United Methodist Church.
If you have never been baptized, you will prepare for baptism.
If you were baptized as an infant or young child and have not made a profession of faith and been confirmed, then you will prepare to reaffirm your baptism when you take the membership vows.
If you are a member of another part of the church (such as Baptist, Presbyterian or Lutheran), then you can transfer your membership from that church to a local United Methodist Church.
If you are a member of another Christian church that does not transfer membership, you can make a profession of faith and be received as a member.
Talk with a United Methodist pastor about becoming a member of The United Methodist Church. The pastor will be able to answer your questions and help you discern what next steps to take.